Complete these steps to get the most out of Taproot Plus


Express your interest and select the time you would like to schedule a conference call with the nonprofit.


Familiarize yourself with the nonprofit. Do some quick research and skim through anything you can find such as their website and/or social media.


You'll have an 1 hour call to help a nonprofit leader navigate their challenge.
Changing Lanes Youth & Community Outreach
Gainesville, Georgia
Copy writing/editing

Member since 2019-05-14

Session Overview

I would Like Help with understanding the trademark and copywriting that goes along with my organization. After my information was leaked on the Dark Web and my tablet was stolen I quit for 2 years, however I have to finish this project as well as be much smarter and better than I was and that being Strapped on all 4 corners to make sure that I dont allow someone to just take over my life and my project of 14 years


Nonprofit Overview

To provide nutrition, mentoring, and temporary housing to at-risk youth, women, and children who are affected by homelessness due to illness, poverty, and domestic violence.


Copy writing